GE Social
Since 2011, I’ve been a lead creative on General Electric’s award-winning social media accounts. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Vine, Tumblr, Snapchat, Reddit–name the platform and I’ve created content for it for GE.
Here’s a small taste of what we’ve created in just a few months:
GE Social Sizzle
GE Additive Slow TV Campaign
GE | Power Lines
Marketing Week
Campaign Live
Business Insider
Digiday - Snapchat Launch
AdWeek - Snapchat Launch
AdWeek - SciMoji
+ many more
Cannes Lions
Bronze Lion - Branded Content & Entertainment
Digiday Video Awards (2014)
Best in Show: GE
Shorty Awards (2014)
Best Brand on Vine: GE
Best Brand on Twitter (Nomination): GE
Best Fortune 500 Brand on Social Media (Finalist): GE